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This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

The publication of this children's educational resource was made possible in part by a generous grant from Preserve America, a federal program conducted in partnership with the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Additional funding was provided by the Gates Family Foundation.

Mary Etzkorn wrote the text and served as project manager. The Web pages were designed by Joyce Heuman Kramer. Page construction and coding was accomplished by Joyce Heuman Kramer, assisted by Louise Schmidlap. Louise Schmidlap supervised production, and Lee Gripp provided much-appreciated technical direction and assistance. Jim Batchelder of Rest Easy Hosting consulted on a number of specific coding issues. We thank the numerous individuals and institutions who created or provided the various maps, line drawings, reconstructions, and photographs. Credit for each illustration is provided in a separate list of illustration credits.

Josie Chang-Order served as the primary education advisor, and Shirley Powell as the primary archaeological advisor, for this project. April Baisan, Karen Carlson, Margie Connolly, Paul Ermigiotti, Rebecca Hammond, and Sandy Tradlener reviewed the text and illustrations, providing valuable feedback that greatly improved the readability and usability of this resource. Special thanks to Deloria Lomawaima for sharing her insights into contemporary Hopi culture.

Finally, Crow Canyon extends its appreciation to the Board of Trustees, the Native American Advisory Group, program participants, and donors, without whom we would be unable to learn about the past and teach its lessons to future generations.

On behalf of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Deborah Gangloff
President and Chief Executive Officer
January 2012